minimal condition

美 [ˈmɪnɪməl kənˈdɪʃn]英 [ˈmɪnɪməl kənˈdɪʃn]
  • 最小条件
minimal conditionminimal condition
  1. The foundation of the method is automated feature recognition algorithm based on minimal condition sub-graph as well as the division strategy adopting .


  2. This paper deals briefly with the principle and method of drawing to evaluate the flatness error according to the minimal condition ( minimum zone ) and introduces the method , steps and examples measuring flatness error by means of minimeter , level and autocollimator .


  3. The free end-point problem order of singular system not greater than one and the minimal condition


  4. Microcomputer is used to confirm planeness value which satisfies minimal condition .


  5. The minimal condition and maximal condition of fuzzy subrings


  6. Minimal condition extends DCC ( descending chain condition ) which is from finite to infinite .


  7. C ( G ) is said to satisfy minimal condition if each element of C ( G ) contains an atom .


  8. Soluble AT-GROUPS with minimal condition on normal subgroups


  9. Γ 1 ( G ) is said to satisfy minimal condition , if each element of Γ 1 ( G ) contains at least an atomic element .


  10. Properties and Representations of Generalized Inverse on Algebraic Perturbation and Minimal Property of Condition Number on Drazin Inverse


  11. Moreover , we also discussed the formation processes and causes of whirlpool within impeller passages for different impellers under the minimal flow rate condition .


  12. Apple 's few disclosures about his health were criticized at times for providing minimal details about his condition .
